Orthopedic Spine Surgery

Assoc. Dr.
Akif Albayrak

Assoc. Dr. Akif Albayrak
Orthopedic Spine Surgery

Akif Albayrak, who was born in Sakarya in 1980, graduated from Uludag University Faculty of Medicine in 2005. Immediately after graduation, he started his orthopedic specialization at Baltalimani Bone Hospital and qualified as a specialist physician in 2010.

After completing his compulsory service as Chief Resident between 2010 and 2016 at Baltalimani Bone Hospital, he received the title of associate professor in 2016. He left his government job in 2020 after working for 4 years at the 1st Orthopedic Clinic as a Docent and Education officer at the University of Health Sciences in the same hospital.

In 2012, he passed the orthopedics board exam and became a member of TOTEK. In 2014, he successfully passed the spine exam conducted by the Turkish Spine Association (TOD) and received the Spine Proficiency Certificate.

In 2011, he worked as a clinical fellow with Prof. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoğlu at Istanbul Spine Center for 3 months, and in 2017, he worked as an Observer Fellow with Prof. Dr. Frank Schwab at the Hospital for Special Surgery with a TOD scholarship.

He was a member of TOD, TOTBID, TOTDER, AO Spine and a member of the TOTBID Assistant young expert board of directors in 2014-2015. He served as the general secretary of the Istanbul Orthopedics Meeting Congress held in 2015.

He has published 17 articles in international journals and 13 articles in national journals, 18 papers in international congresses and more than 40 papers in national congresses.

He is a member of the editorial team of 3 international and 1 national journals and took part in the writing of 3 spine books within the Turkish Spine Association and the Bone Joint Association.

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